Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The homestead

Last weekend was a money spending one. On Saturday we did a trip to IkeA which is part of a shopping center containing a Media Markt and a Real (sort of a Kmart plus food, including some very nice looking fish)

Periodically a group of RC folks get together to rent a small bus to take us to Ikea et al. It costs about 7 bucks a person and you can buy the heavy stuff and have it delivered to your door.

So Sim and I got: a small table for our patio, a tv, a stand for the tv, a DVD player, and lots of odds and ends like canisters, more lamps, some folding chairs, a stool.

Saturday was our anniversary (28) and we went to a restaurant in our little village of Arnavutkoy, which was recommended by our friend Felicia. The woman who owns it and who waited on us is Greek. They do fresh, organic, homegrown stuff. Many of their mezes (starters) are unusual and we enjoyed it greatly. We got full on mezes and a salad so we have to go back for their entrees and desserts.

Sunday was an annual event at RC: the rug sale. The wonderful firm of Adnan and Hasan who sell carpets in the Grand Bazaar brought about 400 of them to the lawn outside John and Tania's house. There were refreshments and then a brief seminar on rug buying. Then the carpets were displayed and the buying began. Again I went with no intention of buying but we came away with 2 more to combat the beigeness, one of which I am sitting on right now. Things are getting homier all the time.

I enjoy my classes immensely. For the most part the kids are smart, enthusiastic and a lot of fun. Trying to explain the nuances of English vocabulary to second language speakers is a blast... The difference between a dork and an egghead, for instance...and that's on the simple side. And they're helping me distinguish between the Turkish back vowels and the front

We have travel plans...Ephesus for a long weekend at the end of this month and now Athens and Aegina and seeing our friend Danae in November.

Oh, and our ship came in. I signed papers for customs today and it appears our stuff will be delivered in the next few days. Sim will be busy with unpacking.

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